Information cards

Accessory Card Quicklinks: RSVP cards |  Gift Registry/Wishing Well cards

wedding details cards Wedding information cards Wedding details

Depending on where your wedding is being held, how far your guests may have to travel, and any other plans or requirements which you feel need to be explained, you can include information cards with your wedding invitations. Alternatively, you may prefer to print these details on the back of the invitation.

Wedding information suggestions (Click to download Word doc) – some ideas you may find useful.

Whether to have information cards at all is very much a personal decision. Many couples will choose to email or call their guests to tell them these arrangements, or perhaps put together a wedding website instead.

You may wish to consider the following and decide whether or not you want to give specific instructions to your guests on separate information cards which match the rest of your stationery.

Suggested uses of Information cards:

All of these things are optional – run through this checklist and decide if you would like to include any of these ideas and details.

  • RSVP details (if you don’t want these separately anywhere else)
  • Special dietary requirements – can be included in RSVP section
  • Gift registry or Wishing Well details (if you don’t want these separately anywhere else)
  • Directions to the ceremony/reception (especially if your guests may not be familiar with the venues or the locations); occasionally a map is printed on these cards as well as actual directions and some alternative means of arriving at the destination. Especially useful for out-of-town weddings.
  • Transport arrangements – sometimes the couple will organise a bus between the ceremony and reception, or charter a boat for the reception – relatively common on beautiful Sydney Harbour! – in which case you will need to give guests a specific time and place for pick-up/departure.
  • Parking suggestions – even if your wedding is in a well-known location, it is often helpful to give advice about parking. You can do a little research and let people know a couple of alternatives, with prices of car parks where applicable, so that your guests will know all the costs upfront and will have peace of mind about leaving their vehicles in a safe spot for the duration of the festivities. You can also advise about metered and restricted zones so that your guests will avoid getting a ticket, which would really spoil the day for them!
  • Phone numbers for local taxi services are often appreciated.
  • Accommodation suggestions for guests who wish to stay overnight. In many cases you can simply provide websites and phone numbers of different types of accommodation such as hotels or guest houses, but of course you may organise special discounted rates at particular hotels and these would be your recommendations.
  • Notes about children being invited to the reception (or not) – a line or two can be added to the information card to advise the arrangements. You can also suggest numbers for babysitting services.
  • Information about “things to see and do” in the area – whether your wedding is out of town, or you have invited people from far and wide who may not have visited the area before.

Average prices for our information cards:

  • A6 size card, printed one side: $2.00
  • Large size (same as invitation), no border, printed one side: $2.90
  • Printing on the back of info card (or invitation itself): average $1.20.

Other Wedding Stationery Quicklinks:
Save The Date | Invitations | The Ceremony | The Reception | Thank You cards